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Business Process Modeling explained using: the theory

Business Process Modeling (BPM) at Level 3 is a specialized area within the general BPM discipline, which focuses on modeling activities and interactions at a granular level. It is particularly aimed at understanding and optimizing workflow within and between departments and, in some cases, between different organizations.

Business Process Modeling at Totus Consultancy
BPM Level 3 provides insight into the parameters that run and influence the engine

Detailed Activity Modeling

According to Dumas et al. (2018) in their book "Fundamentals of Business Process Management," BPM Level 3 goes beyond the description of processes and flowcharts of Levels 1 and 2. It includes detailed modeling of activities, including data flows, decision rules, and exception handling.

Use of Standard Notations

The use of standard notations such as BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) or UML (Unified Modeling Language) is generally accepted for this level of modeling. According to a study by Van der Aalst et al. ("Workflow Patterns," 2003), using these notations allows organizations to create standardized, reproducible models.

Process metrics and KPIs

According to a study by zur Muehlen and Recker ("How Much Language Is Enough? Theoretical and Practical Use of the Business Process Modeling Notation," 2008), BPM Level 3 modeling allows organizations to determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs ) and process metrics accurately. This enables factual analysis and continuous improvement, essential for applying methodologies such as LeanSixSigma.

Workflow Implementation and Simulation

BPM Level 3 often goes hand in hand with the implementation of workflow management systems, as explored by Agostini and De Michelis in their paper "Improving Flexibility of Workflow Management Systems" (2000). It even makes it possible to simulate process models before implementation, a concept further explored in the book "Process Aware Information Systems" van Van der Aalst and Muehlen (2005).

Cross-functional and Interorganizational Modeling

In "Interorganizational Business Process Management: A Research Framework and Agenda" (Goethals et al., 2006), it is noted that Level 3 BPM can be used to model not only internal but also external business processes, something that can be crucial in modern, distributed business environments.

Data modeling

In addition to process elements, BPM Level 3 also takes into account the data elements that flow through the process, which is essential for data-driven decision making. Rosemann and van der Aalst address this in their work "A Configurable Reference Modeling Language" (2007), in which they emphasize the importance of understanding the data flow in business processes.

Sustainability and Governance

Finally, "Business Process Management: A Comprehensive Survey" van Dumas et al. (2013) on the importance of BPM Level 3 for building governance and sustainable improvement mechanisms into business processes.

BPM at Level 3 is therefore not only complex, but also comprehensive, and it uses a variety of theories and techniques to create a detailed, implementable model of business processes.


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