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Welcome to Totus Consultancy, your strategic organizational consultancy for sourcing, tendering and optimizing collaborations. My name is Jordi Zwart and I founded Totus, which means 'the whole', based on the idea that a long-term good customer experience can only exist by the grace of good agreements about how to work together. Ultimately, the implementation depends on how well organized the whole thing is. That is why I have specialized as a consultant in Operational Excellence and Register mediation (link).  

TOTUS Consultancy advises on

  • De establishment of Collaborations

  • The Optimization of Organizations

  • Information Provision and Governance

TOTUS Consultancy focuses on

  • Strategic Partnerships

  • SMART Agreements

  • Operational Excellence


Better Collaboration, through Better Organisation

Collaboration and organization are virtually the same. And although working with people should of course never be technical in nature, you can approach the structures within which interactions take place in this way. Because just like with a sports team, it is essential for an organization that the right people do the right things at the right time. And just like with a sports team, you don't leave that to chance. You make SMART agreements about this in advance.

Getting the basics right has now become a well-known term. There are different approaches and images, but the central idea is that a good customer experience arises from a solid basic structure. Totus approaches this from 'the whole' and sees it as a causal relationship. A good customer experience arises from good execution. Good implementation depends on having happy employees. And happy employees are achieved through streamlined processes and clear information. And you achieve this using the structures that Operational Excellence offers. And you secure it with a governance structure that controls and facilitates information bottom-up and top-down. “When you pay the right attention to establishing the right basic structures and associated agreements, you can scale more efficiently and, above all, continue to fulfill customer promises in a continuous and controlled manner.”

Phase 1: Collaborate

A good (European) tender is crucial for finding the right partner. The crux of good future cooperation lies in the program of wishes and program of requirements in particular. 


At Totus we have the knowledge to formulate the most appropriate requirements. We write the Specifications, design the Governance and help shape the DAP and SLA, among other things.

Phase 2: Optimize

Improving implementation processes has two faces. On the one hand, it is about organizing more efficiently, and on the other hand, it is about better collaboration. But how do you do this?

You can use the principles of Operational Excellence for both. This provides the insights and tools needed to intervene in a targeted manner in inefficient agreements and processes 

Phase 3: Controlling

For sustainable success, it is necessary to properly safeguard and manage the agreements. An integral governance structure, one that optimally facilitates information, is essential. 

This involves, among other things, ensuring that the agreements made and deviations from them are discussed at operational, tactical and strategic levels. All in the right rhythm and level of abstraction.

Totus Consultancy
Strategic Consultancy
Totus Consultancy



Procurements, tenders and transitions


Years of experience





Customer satisfaction


Call for an appointment or leave a message. I would be happy to come by and explain why better collaboration really is better. Of course I can also receive you at our visiting location in Noordwijk or Schiphol, or via a video conference. 



Crosspoint Offices

Jonckerweg 17, Noordwijk

Chamber of Commerce 90129547

VAT NL865218420B01


0031 (0)71-3626895

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  • Whatsapp

Opening hours

Mon - Fri

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM 


10:00 AM - 4:00 PM




Call for an appointment or leave a message behind. I would be happy to come by and explain why better collaboration really is better. Of course I can also receive you at our visiting location in Noordwijk or Schiphol, or via a video conference. 

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