Collaboration is all about trust. And that trust is basically always about doing what is promised; fulfilling the agreements. But if nothing has been agreed, it becomes difficult to determine who actually bears responsibility. And especially now that continuous improvement within collaborations seems to be becoming commonplace, it is becoming increasingly important to agree in advance who will make what effort and at what costs and benefits. Totus Consultancy has therefore specialized in safeguarding agreements on better cooperation.
Do you have a dispute about existing agreements or do you need mediation in their conclusion -Totus MfN Register Mediation.
From Vision to Assignment and Tender
An effective Assignment, Tender and Collaboration starts with a clear vision. It is this vision that serves as the first benchmark. In practice, however, we see that implementation of such a bottom-up vision often fails, which actually reduces support. Fortunately, there are successful methods to translate a vision into a concrete assignment. During this translation, it is crucial to take the customer promise into account, including parameters such as time, costs and quality (TQC). These factors also form the basis of Operational Excellence, an aspect that also deserves attention in this phase. Click formore information.
If we zoom in on the tender process, it is important to use SMART criteria. This applies in particular to drawing up the Specifications; think of, for example, PvW, PvE, SLA, DAP, TAP and Governance. Having the right information plays a crucial role in ultimately being able to maintain control, or rather 'grip' of the service or product.
Operational Excellence
Technically speaking, every organization is an interplay of processes, whether or not defined in advance. It starts with mapping these processes -level 3 BPM. Once this blueprint has been established, it is time to identify, validate and quantify the critical components. And then check them periodically, through reports and/or dashboards.
Once this manageable situation has been created, it is time to start improving. And because measurements are made, it can also be demonstrated what the intended improvement ultimately achieved. Any unintended effects are added to the set of parameters. In this way, the insight expands further and one can speak of a learning organization.
Information Provision and Management
No one needs to explain that information is essential. However, how to facilitate this in complex structures and thus be in control at all times is often quite a puzzle. Especially with the growing awareness of privacy and ethics, dealing with information has become an issue in itself. Let alone administrative information.​
Totus' holistic approach, based on the principles of Operational Excellence, also fits here. By looking very carefully at the entirety of organizational structures and processes, it is possible to design a suitable governance structure with the right information provision. And by directly involving the framework setters, we also ensure a structure that seamlessly connects the various interests. In this way we prevent discussion afterwards about, for example, (knowledge) security, privacy or ethical matters.
With an active involvement, Totus is also active in the field of massive data storage (during scientific research), the blockchain, non-fungible tokens and web3. The applications of this, in addition to being able to share information safely and transparently, seem to be revolutionary and are already useful. See, among others, this blog.
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10:00 AM - 4:00 PM