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European procurement: an overview of the regulations

If you work in the business world or in the public sector, there is a good chance that you will have to deal with European tenders. The procurement process is complex and can be overwhelming, especially if you are unfamiliar with the regulations and procedures involved. In this blog post we provide an overview of the regulations surrounding European procurement.

Totus Consultancy
European tender

What is a European tenderA European tender is a procedure in which government agencies and other public organizations look for suppliers to carry out an assignment. In a European tender, an assignment is published on Tenders Electronic Daily (TED), the official gazette of the European Union. For the Netherlands specifically, you can visit Tenderned. Potential suppliers can then submit a quote to be considered for the order.

Regulations surrounding European tendersThe regulations surrounding European procurement are laid down in the European procurement guidelines. In the Netherlands, these guidelines have been converted into the Procurement Acten the Procurement decision. This legislation determines how government agencies and other public organizations must look for suppliers and what procedures they must follow. The purpose of these regulations is to ensure a fair and transparent process, where all potential suppliers have an equal opportunity to be considered for the contract. Below are some important aspects of the regulations surrounding European procurement:

  1. Publication of the contract: Before a government agency or public organization can award a contract, the contract must be published on Tenders Electronic Daily. This gives all potential suppliers the opportunity to tender for the order.

  2. Transparency: The tender process must be transparent, meaning that all potential suppliers must have access to the same information. This includes, among other things, the assignment description, the selection criteria and the award criteria.

  3. Selection criteria: In European tenders, potential suppliers are selected based on certain criteria, such as experience, financial stability and technical competence. These criteria must be objective and relevant to the assignment.

  4. Award criteria: In addition to the selection criteria, potential suppliers are also assessed on the award criteria, which determine which supplier will receive the contract. These criteria must also be objective and relevant to the assignment.

  5. Procedures: The tender procedures differ depending on the value and nature of the contract. The most common procedures are the open procedure, the restricted procedure, the competitive dialogue and the negotiated procedure with prior publication.

  6. Terms: There are strict deadlines associated with European tenders, such as the deadline for submitting quotations and the deadline for announcing the award. These deadlines must be strictly adhered to.

  7. Objection and appeal: Potential suppliers have the right to object or appeal against decisions made during the tender process. This ensures that the process remains fair and transparent.

ConclusionEuropean tenders are an important part of cooperation between the business and public sectors. The regulations surrounding these procurements are laid down in the European procurement guidelines, which have been converted into the Procurement Act and the Procurement Decree in the Netherlands. The purpose of these regulations is to ensure a fair and transparent process, where all potential suppliers have an equal opportunity to be considered for the contract. By having an expert guide the process, you can ensure that you have sufficient registrations. And vice versa, that you can successfully participate in the tender process and thus increase the chance of winning an order.


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