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Operational Excellence using Lean Six Sigma: brief explanation.

At Totus Consultancy we focus on establishing and optimizing Collaborations based on Operational Excellence and through, among other things, the Lean Six Sigma methodology. Making processes measurable is an essential part of this approach. In this blog we dive deeper into the basic principles of Lean Six Sigma and show how measuring values can help us understand, predict and prevent. Discover the valuable insights we can gain through measurable processes and how they can lead your company to operational excellence.

Totus Consultancy
Operational Excellence LeanSixSigma

Making processes measurable is a critical step in the Lean Six Sigma framework for optimizing business performance. It allows us to understand and control variability in processes, helping us reduce defects and improve efficiency. It is important to emphasize that measurability is not just about obtaining exact values, but also about gaining valuable insights into the processes and making data-driven decisions. Let's delve deeper into the fundamental principles of making processes measurable according to Lean Six Sigma.

  1. Define measurable goals: It all starts with setting clear and measurable goals for your process. These goals should focus on improving key performance indicators (KPIs) that impact customer satisfaction, cycle time, quality and costs. For example, if you want to improve customer satisfaction, a measurable goal might be to reduce the percentage of complaints by 20% within three months. Defining measurable goals provides focus and direction in the measurement process.

  2. Identify critical process parameters: Determine which process parameters have the greatest impact on your measurable goals. These can be variables such as lead time, cycle time, defects, waiting times, and so on. It is essential to identify the right parameters that are most relevant for achieving the desired improvements. By measuring the right parameters you can gain better insight into the behavior of the process and identify possible sources of variability.

  3. Collect and analyze data: To make processes measurable, it is necessary to collect and analyze reliable data. This includes implementing standardized measurement methods and using data collection tools such as run charts, control charts and data analysis techniques. By collecting and analyzing data, you can identify trends, patterns and anomalies.

  4. Analyze the data and identify causes: An important aspect of Lean Six Sigma is to thoroughly analyze collected data to identify the causes of variability and defects. Use statistical techniques such as Pareto analysis, cause-and-effect diagrams and trend analysis to identify the main sources of problems. By understanding the causes, you can take targeted improvement actions to optimize the process.

  5. Implement improvements and measure again: Based on the identified causes, you can implement improvement measures to optimize the processes. This could include changes to procedures, employee training, equipment adjustments or redesign of workflows. Ensure actions taken are aimed at reducing variability, eliminating waste and improving overall performance.

  6. Monitor and control the process: Making processes measurable is a continuous process. It is important to regularly monitor and audit performance to ensure that the improvements taken are effective and deliver the desired results. Use control charts and other statistical tools to monitor the stability of the process and detect deviations in a timely manner. By continuously measuring and monitoring, you can proactively identify problems and take corrective action.

  7. Learn and adapt: Making processes measurable offers valuable insights and learning opportunities. Use the data and analysis obtained to learn from the process and improvements taken. Identify best practices and spread this knowledge within the organization. Remain open to continuous improvement and adapt based on new information and changing needs.


Making processes measurable according to the principles of Lean Six Sigma is invaluable in the pursuit of operational excellence. By setting measurable goals, identifying relevant parameters, collecting data, analyzing and implementing improvement actions, you can optimize processes, reduce variability and improve overall performance. Continue to learn and adapt based on the insights gained to achieve continuous improvement. At Totus Consultancy we are ready to guide you in making your processes measurable and achieving sustainable success. Contact us today for more information.


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